YZ provides a secure platform dedicated to early stage Blockchain Projects, for the teams and their community & investors. Several levers contribute to sustain growth while providing flexibility in token management from day 1 of fundraising.
A Charged Token (CT) is a Token tied to a specific investment round (seed, private etc…) of a Blockchain Project in fundraising stage. It comprises the vesting schedule of the Project Token, immutably through smart contracts. It can be transferred and traded at any time, before the launch of the Project Token, therefore unlocking liquidity of presale investments. After launch, CT can be used to claim the underlying Project Token according to the predefined vesting schedule.
The DAICO (Decentralized Autonomous Initial Coin Offerings) model was proposed by Vitalik Buterin (cofounder of
Ethereum) in 2018 to address the issue of teams doing
excessive raisings without delivering the expected product
afterwards. In the case of YZ and the related
supported projects, the objective is to do a series of
fundraisings instead of a single bigger one (*), with
additional fundraisings to be initiated only if the
previously set milestones are reached. This is decided
collectively by the investors as a DAO.
(*) which is slightly different from the original DAICO
concept where all the funds are raised at once and
released gradually. Splitting the fundraising reduces
the amount of unutilised funds (hence also the selling
pressure) and the risk of funds mismanagement due to
more complex smart contracts.
Every name starts with a pronunciation, as WISE investors should have figured it out. YZ also points out the end of an era and the beginning of a new one, with more transparency in the launch of Blockchain Projects and more decentralization in the process of decision making. Furthermore, being a disruptive force in the last decade, Blockchain technology and the Projects building on top of it are targeting the Y & Z generations. Also, Y is central as it defines “Y (why) we do what we do” and Z, signed by the legendary Dark Knight, aims to help new Projects and small investors to thrive. Finally, Y and Z are the central letters of the parent organization horYZon set to define a long term vision in the space.